How to contribute?
This is the project of WeData, an association dedicated to the promotion of data science and computer science. We wanted a way of sharing exercises that was as simple, independent and free as possible for as many people as possible. Thanks to the arrival of webr and quarto-live, this was possible!
Note: quarto-live is still in early stage and further improvement are comming.
All contributions are welcome!
This site is based on collaboration and aims to enable anyone wishing to help create interactive exercises to do so. Here are the steps if you want to help build this website by creating exercises:
1. Clone the repository
Go to the website GitHub repository. After cloning it, your are good to go!
2. Create your tutorial
In the folder corresponding to the exercises level (currently beginner, intermediate and advanced), create a folder with the name you want. INside it create your quarto file (.qmd) or markdown file (.md) and add at least the following information to your YAML (begining of the file):
1title: My exercises set
2author: Me
3date: "2024-08-11"
4description: "My description..."
- Category 1
- ...
6image: image.png
- 1
- Compulsary
- 2
- Compulsary
- 3
- Compulsary
- 4
- Optional
- 5
- Optional
- 6
- Optional, but if added it is better to put everything inside a folder
Then for quarto file you need to add the following code at the begining after the YAML but before anything in the file:
{{< include ../../_extensions/r-wasm/live/_knitr.qmd >}}
3. Write your tutorial
You can follow the tutorials from the official quarto-live website. Pay particular attention to the following chapters (at least the first one):
From the “Exercises Grading” part:
Creating Exercises - Managing Environements - Grading Solutions - Gradin with {gradethis}
4. Send your exercises
Push your changes if your are a contributer or do a pull requests otherwise.