Workshop: R Workflow

Vestin Hategekimana

Before we start

  • Based on the future workshop for Take Over (UNIGE)
  • Feel free to interrupt me or ask question (or leave)
  • We will go on the group pace
    • Slides are also tutorial for autonomous learning
  • slides are available online

(1) Introduction

Why a workshop on workflow?

Because it is…

  • Not taught in statistical class

    • Focus on statistical method
    • The tool is secondary
  • Hard to find good examples

    • Online and offline sources focus on the script
    • Mostly for development
  • A matter of Statistical tool vs Programming language

Problem of not learning workflow:

  1. Spaghetti code
    • Unreadable, slow, unstable, not reusable
  2. Non-reproducible work
    • Works only on your computer under specific circumstances
  3. Hard collaboration
    • “You want to share that?”
  4. Painful learning
    • You need 5 times the energy required to do things and learn

Classical vs enhanced workflow

Q: What is a workflow? A: Organizing your work

  • From the Research idea to the final output
  • Final output:
    • Report/Article (PDF, Word)
    • Presentation (reveal.js, beamer, PowerPoint)
    • Website (HTML)
    • Book (HTML, PDF, Word, EPUB, AsciiDoc)

Classical workflow as presented by Posit (previously RStudio)

R for Data Science (Whickham & Garrett, 2017)

The online version of the book

What is in the program in statistical classes:

  1. Research plan
  2. Data preparation
  3. Cleaning
  4. (Exploratory analysis)
  5. Descriptive analysis
  6. Inferential analysis (modelling)
  7. Presentation of results

What we really focus on in class:

  1. Research plan
  2. Data preparation
  3. Cleaning
  4. (Exploratory analysis)
  5. Descriptive analysis
  6. Inferential analysis (modelling)
  7. Presentation of results

What we are going to do today:

  1. Project set-up
  2. Cleaning
  3. Descriptive analysis
  4. Inferential analysis (modelling)
  5. Presentation of results

What we are going to focus on today:

  1. Project set-up
  2. Cleaning
  3. Descriptive analysis
  4. Inferential analysis (modelling)
  5. Presentation of results

Our goals today

  1. Learn a good workflow
  2. Learn good practices
  3. Learn new shortcuts
  4. Learn new coding tips
  5. Gather a lot of resources

Automate it once, and let the code do it for you!

(2) Your R environment

Where does R works?


When you start a R session, R locate itself somewhere in your computer. The exact location is called Working directory (wd).

Where exactly?

  • Working directory (wd): Where R works in the moment.
  • To see where R work you can use the following code:
# Get the working directory

Default Working directory in RStudio


Rstudio always start at the same place (contrary to other editors). To find the exact location go to:

Tools > Global Options > General (in the tab “Basic”)

This is the used location when RStudio does not work with a project. See next picture for a visual representation.

The location is under “Default working directory (when not in a project)”

Take notes!

It is good practice to place all (or most) of your R code in a same folder.

In my case, I have a Code folder that contain every programming language I use (There is one for R). Inside each folder, there are at least Two folders: Test(s), where I test new things and Project where I put all my serious projects in their dedicated folder. This is in the Test(s) folder that we will set our default working directory.


  1. Create a folder dedicated to R and create the Test and Project folders inside it.
  2. Based on the three previous slides change the de default working directory to the Test directory.
  3. Displace all of your R code to R folder
    • Group all the files that work together under a same project folder inside the Project folder.
    • For all the R file you do not know what to do with put them in the Test folder, it will be useful later!


  1. You always know where your files are: it must be in the R folder!!!
  2. You have now a distinction between your playground (Test folder) and your serious works Project
  3. You’ve just created your best learning resource for R
    • Powerful with ctrl/cmd + shift + f in RStudio

ctrl/cmd + shift + f

This command allow you to search all the R code in a specific folder. Since all our R code is in the same place, we can search the “archive” of our previous work. It come really handy when we need to remember how to use a particular code. You can either search anything (function, comment, etc.).

When you search for a particular keyword, it will show you all the time you used it and will indicate you in wich folder and which line. You can also click on the result and RStudio will open the select file in the right line (really powerful).

See an example in the next slide

A code you write once is a thing you do not need to redo or remember!

All the time I used the keyword “ggplot” in my code

Setup RStudio to match your image

You will spend a good amout of time in RStudio, makes it all the more enjoyable!



Remove the autoloading



  • Force you to rerun your code in the right order

Long-term reproducibility is enhanced when you turn this feature off and clear R’s memory at every restart. Starting with a blank slate provides timely feedback that encourages the development of scripts that are complete and self-contained. Posit


Code Display


It make the whole work smoother and colorful

At this point it is trully art


Rstudio themes


Why not? It is pretty and I like that!

Themes that might interest you


Dracula RSthemes (my favorite)

GitHub rsthemes

Other RStudio themes

(3) Your project from A to Z

Setup the project (1)

RStudio project

RStudio projects (.Rproj) are file that tell R where to works. They also allow to set options and behaviour that R specific to the project.


{renv} is a pacakge in are that allow to control the version of your package. What it does is to isolate yourt project from your whole R ecosystem and start as if you did not load any packages.

RStudio project full tutorial

Why you should stop using setwd()?

  • You need to find the path manually every time

  • You need to put it on every document or always start with the same document

  • Projects are only separeted by files (not the entire environment)

  • If you share your code, your colleague need to change the setwd path every time

RStudio project define the working directory once easily and it is shareable!

Setup the project (2)

(2) New project

(1) Open project


  1. Create new projects and switch back and forth between them
  2. Create a new project, this time activate the renv. In this project try to use a library (for instance {dplyr})

Why projects? (1)

Expert data scientists keep all the files associated with a given project together — input data, scripts, analytical results, and figures. This is such a wise and common practice that RStudio has built-in support for this via Projects. RStudio Projects make it straightforward to divide your work into multiple contexts, each with their own working directory, workspace, history, and source documents. Posit

Why projects? (2)

  1. Each project has its own environment
  2. Each project has its own options
  3. The working directory is fixed (ban setwd() from your code!)
  4. The work can be shared easily
  5. The project can be stored easily on GitHub

Why {renv}?

Sometime when package is updated, major changes are applied. Which mean that a code that worked fine until now could produce error or breaks. Since we cannot predict how packages will evolve, we can create an environment that is frozen in time. {renv} create this isolated context from other package so that package inside it have their own version. Which also mean that we have to reinstall all the packages.

Use {renv}

Renv tutorial

If the project was not started with renv the first time


Update from time to time to keep track of the packages


Download a specific package version of a package

install_version("ggplot2", version = "0.9.1", repos = "")

Setup working directory

One way to do that


  • Data: Raw data
  • MyData: Cleaned data
  • Report: Report/presentation created with a notebook
  • Result: Folder for tables and figures
  • Scripts: Where the code is


  1. Populate your working directory with the folders needed
  2. Add the following dataset to the right folder:

First script

Run code on RStudio, Tutorial RStudio Text Editor, R console and Shortcuts

Let’s get started!

Split your screen for interactive parts

The shared screen on the left and your screen on the right (as you want)

Objectif for a clean code

(1) Files can be run entirely in one go (ctrl/cmd + alt + r)

  • Code in the right order (no error)
  • No command that are useless for the computer or change the state of the computer (ex. setwd(), install.packages(), View())

(2) Files should be self-contained

  • All the needed packages, functions and data should be loaded in the specific file
  • The code is self-explanatory, well commented and structured

(3) Files should be named, organized and used with a specific purpose

  • Order and purpose in the file’s name (ex. “1. Cleaning.R”)


Create the file “1_cleaning.R” in your “Script” folder equivalent and open it.

You could also name it “01_the_data_cleaning_file.R”. The name you choose does not matter as long as it is ordered and self-explanatory.

Note that we do not use spaces or special characters to follow the tidyverse style guide for files.

Variable names

  • Should follow a convention: snake_case , CamelCase , etc.

  • No spaces and no special character

  • Clear but not too long


  • Between expression (readability)

  • Make line breaks as frequent as possible


Comment example

Good comments only explain the overall goal, not each specific line or step.


Code section

# Section One ---------------------------------
# Section One ----

# Section Two =================================
# Section Two ====

### Section Three ############################# 
### Section Three ####

How I organize

Sometimes I replace “Analysis” by “Work”

The sections in application

Sections are useful because you can:

  1. Navigate through your code
  2. Fold your code (also possible for functions and statements)
  3. Structure your code (different levels)
# Chapter ----

## Sub-chapter ----

### Sub-Sub-Chapter ----

First code

Step 1 - set the libraries needed

# Libraries ----

Packages should only be loaded once at the begining of the code

Step 1 - set the libraries needed

Option (1)

# Libraries ----
library(rio) # Should be installed before
library(janitor) # Should be installed before

Multiple cursors

Ctrl + Alt/Option + {Up/Down}

Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + {Direction}

Ctrl + Alt/Option + Shift + {Mouse}

Step 1 - set the libraries needed

Option (2)

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before
  • It loads the package with library()

  • If it does not find it, it installs it with install.packages()

  • It updates packages only if specified

Select the option that you like the most!

Importing data: the format/package issue

To much packages/functions

Bellow a few examples

# R
data <- readRDS("data.rds")

# csv
data <- read.csv("data.csv")
data <- readr::read_csv("data.csv")

# Excel
data <- xlsx::read.xlsx("data.xlsx")
data <- readxl::read_excel("data.xlsx")

# SPSS/Stata/SAS
data <- haven::read_spss("data.sav")
data <- haven::read_stata("data.dta")
# etc.

# Arrow
data <- arrow::open_dataset("data.parquet")
# etc.

A wonderful package

With {rio} you only need two functions:

import() and export()

It works for all of the common data format: rdata, rda, rds, csv, tsv, sas7bdat, sav, dta, xlsx, parquet, feather, json and many more!

It reduce the number of packages/functions to memorize and load.

Step 2 - load the data

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before

# Data ----
andorra_raw <-
         setclass = "tbl_df") # {rio}

RStudio propose you sometimes options based on what you already typed. Use the arrow keys or your mouse to choose one of the option and press either Enter or Tab to accept one.

For file path: If you are in a middle of a pair of double quote, press Tab and it will show you all the available folders and files in the working directory. You can navigate using the arrow key or your mouse, go inside folders using Tab and select using Enter.

Step 3 - Clean the data

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before

# Data ----
andorra_raw <-
         setclass = "tbl_df") # {rio}

andorra_raw %>% 
  clean_names() # {janitor} standardize column names

The function clean_names() from {janitor} clean the dataframe name by:

  • Removing special characters
  • Lowering cases
  • Replacing spaces by “_” and “%” by “_percent_” and “#” by “_number_

Step 3 - Clean the data

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before

# Data ----
andorra_raw <-
         setclass = "tbl_df") # {rio}

andorra_raw %>% 
  clean_names() %>%  # {janitor} standardize column names
  select(sex = q260, # Select and rename
         age = q262, # Select and rename
         emancipative = resemaval, # Select and rename
         starts_with("h_"), # Select all variables that starts with "h_"
         q1:q6) # Select from variable q1 to q6

To go deeper check the following link: Tidy-Select

Step 3 - Clean the data

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before

# Data ----
andorra_raw <-
         setclass = "tbl_df") # {rio}

andorra_raw %>%
  clean_names() %>%  # {janitor} standardize column names
  select(sex = q260, # Select and rename
         age = q262, # Select and rename
         emancipative = resemaval, # Select and rename
         starts_with("h_"), # Select all variables that starts with "h_"
         q1:q6) %>%  # Select from variable q1 to q6
  filter_all(all_vars(. >= 0)) %>% # Remove missing values
  mutate(sex = factor(sex, labels = c("Male", "Female")), # Labels
         h_settlement = factor(h_settlement, # Labels
                               labels = c("Capital city",
                                          "Regional center",
                                          "Another city",
         h_urbrural = factor(h_urbrural, # Labels
                             labels = c("Urban",
                                        "Rural"))) %>%
  mutate_at(6:11, ~factor(.x,
                           labels = c("Very important",
                                      "Rather important",
                                      "Not very important",
                                      "Not at all important")))

Step 3 - Clean the data

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before

# Data ----
andorra_raw <-
         setclass = "tbl_df") # {rio}
andorra_clean <- # Save the whole process here
  andorra_raw %>%
  clean_names() %>%  # {janitor} standardize column names
  select(sex = q260, # Select and rename
         age = q262, # Select and rename
         emancipative = resemaval, # Select and rename
         starts_with("h_"), # Select all variables that starts with "h_"
         q1:q6) %>%  # Select from variable q1 to q6
  filter_all(all_vars(. >= 0)) %>% # Remove missing values
  mutate(sex = factor(sex, labels = c("Male", "Female")), # Labels
         h_settlement = factor(h_settlement, # Labels
                               labels = c("Capital city",
                                          "Regional center",
                                          "Another city",
         h_urbrural = factor(h_urbrural, # Labels
                             labels = c("Urban",
                                        "Rural"))) %>%
  mutate_at(6:11, ~factor(.x,
                           labels = c("Very important",
                                      "Rather important",
                                      "Not very important",
                                      "Not at all important")))

Save the data

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before

# Data ----
andorra_raw <-
         setclass = "tbl_df") # {rio}
andorra_clean <- # Save the whole process here
  andorra_raw %>%
  clean_names() %>%  # {janitor} standardize column names
  select(sex = q260, # Select and rename
         age = q262, # Select and rename
         emancipative = resemaval, # Select and rename
         starts_with("h_"), # Select all variables that starts with "h_"
         q1:q6) %>%  # Select from variable q1 to q6
  filter_all(all_vars(. >= 0)) %>% # Remove missing values
  mutate(sex = factor(sex, labels = c("Male", "Female")), # Labels
         h_settlement = factor(h_settlement, # Labels
                               labels = c("Capital city",
                                          "Regional center",
                                          "Another city",
         h_urbrural = factor(h_urbrural, # Labels
                             labels = c("Urban",
                                        "Rural"))) %>%
  mutate_at(6:11, ~factor(.x,
                           labels = c("Very important",
                                      "Rather important",
                                      "Not very important",
                                      "Not at all important")))
# Saving ----
export(andorra_clean, file = "MyData/andorra_clean.rds") # {rio}

Rds and Rda files

Alternative (shorter)

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, janitor) # Should be installed before

# Data ----
andorra_raw <-
  haven::read_dta("Data/WVS_Wave_7_Andorra_Stata_v5.0.dta") # {haven}

andorra_clean <- # Save the whole process here
  andorra_raw %>%
  clean_names() %>%  # {janitor} standardize column names
  select(sex = q260, # Select and rename
         age = q262, # Select and rename
         emancipative = resemaval, # Select and rename
         starts_with("h_"), # Select all variables that starts with "h_"
         q1:q6) %>%  # Select from variable q1 to q6
  filter_all(all_vars(. >= 0)) %>%
  mutate_at(c(1,4:11), haven::as_factor) # Automatic factor
# Saving ----
export(andorra_clean, file = "MyData/andorra_clean.rds") # {rio}

Easier with haven::as_factor() but we need to import the data with haven::read_dta() because of compatibility problem!


  1. Run the whole file 1_cleaning.R with the command ctrl/cmd + alt + r to be sure that everything works fine.
  2. Create the files 2_tables.R, 3_figures.R and 4_models.R and put them in the right folder.
  3. For each file, setup the section to respect our clean code goal (run once, self-contained and organized).


# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, gtsummary)

# Data ----
andorra_clean <- import("MyData/andorra_clean.rds")
# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio)

# Data ----
andorra_clean <- import("MyData/andorra_clean.rds")
# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, sjPlot)

# Data ----
andorra_clean <- import("MyData/andorra_clean.rds")

Alway start by loading the packages and data. So that, next time we start the project, we do not need to open the previous script to load the packages and the data since every scripts is self-contained.

Packages for creating tables

Package for creating graphs

Many references: R graph gallery and D3.js graph gallery

Packages for modelling

Copy/paste each code to its file

# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, gtsummary)

# Data ----
andorra_clean <-
  import("MyData/andorra_clean.rds") %>% 
  mutate_at(c(1,4:11), fct_drop)

# Work ----
# 1. Summary
  # A simple summary table for all the variables
summary_table <- 
  andorra_clean %>% 

# Save docx
summary_table %>% 
  as_gt() %>% 
  gt::gtsave(file = "Results/summary_table.docx")

# Save data
export(summary_table, file = "MyData/summary_table.rds")

# 2. Emancipative: urban vs rural
  # Test the difference in emancipative and variables related
  # to the importance of value in life by urbanicity of region 
  # of residence.
emancipative_table <- 
  andorra_clean %>% 
         starts_with("q")) %>% 
  tbl_summary(by = h_urbrural) %>% 

# Save docx
emancipative_table %>% 
  as_gt() %>% 
  gt::gtsave(file = "Results/emancipative_table.docx")

# Save data
export(emancipative_table, file = "MyData/emancipative_table.rds")
# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, gtsummary)

# Options ----
theme_update(legend.position = "top")

# Data ----
andorra_clean <- import("MyData/andorra_clean.rds")

# Visualization ----
# 1. Emancipative distribution
  # Simple dansity plot for the emancipative part
emancipative_distribution <- 
  andorra_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(emancipative)) +
  geom_density(fill = "cyan", alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(title = "Emancipative index distribution")

# Save png
emancipative_distribution %>% 
  ggsave(plot = .,
         filename = "Results/emancipative_distribution.png")

# Save ggplot
emancipative_distribution %>% 
  export(file = "MyData/emancipative_distribution.rds")

# 2. Emancipaitve/sex/urbrural
  # Emancipative destribtuion by sex and urbanicity
  # region of residence
emancipative_sex_urban <- 
  andorra_clean %>% 
  ggplot(aes(emancipative, fill = h_urbrural)) +
  geom_density(alpha = 0.5) +
  facet_wrap(~sex) +
  labs(title = "Emancipative index distribution",
       subtitle = "by sex and urbanicity of region of residence",
       fill = "Urbanicity")

# Save png
emancipative_sex_urban %>% 
  ggsave(plot = .,
         scale = 1.5,
         filename = "Results/emancipative_sex_urban.png")

# Save ggplot
emancipative_sex_urban %>% 
  export(file = "MyData/emancipative_sex_urban.rds")
# Libraries ----
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, rio, sjPlot)

# Data ----
andorra_clean <-
  import("MyData/andorra_clean.rds") %>% 
  mutate_at(c(1,4:11), fct_drop)

# Analysis ----

## Model ----
  # A linear model testing the relationship between the emancipative
  # index and predictors (sex, age, urbanicity of region of residence)
model <- lm(emancipative ~ sex + age + h_urbrural,
            data = andorra_clean)

# Save data (model)
export(model, file = "MyData/model.rds")

# Regression table
  # The model regression table (save automaticaly)
 = TRUE,
 = "stars",
          file = "Results/regression_table.doc")

# Save data (regression table)
regression_table <- 
 = TRUE,
 = "stars")

export(regression_table, file = "MyData/regression_table.rds")

Compile reports (parentheses to force output)

Background Jobs

It is running alone!

Now that every file is self-contained, we can run them as background jobs to save time.

Advantages of background jobs

  • We can keep working with the console while it is running
  • We are saving time when the work is long
  • We plan multiple jobs

But we still have a dependency tree problem!

Dependency tree

graph LR;
  a[1_cleaning.R] --> b[2_tables.R] & c[3_figures.R] & d[4_models.R]
  • If 1_cleaning.R changes, we need to rerun all the files

The best tool that automaticaly handle which file to run is {target}, but it is pretty advanced.

Workflow in nutshell

  1. Create a project
  2. Populate it with the right folders and the data
    • No space and special character (files/folder)
    • Put script in order
  3. For each file
    • Self-contained: load packages, data
    • Clean code: Name, space, comments, sections, order, etc.
    • Save output: data format and/or other (pictures, files, etc.)


There are other tools to make your work better/efficient

Resources to deepen your knowledge in R

(4) Show your results with Quarto

What is Quarto?

One of the best tool for scientific publishing! Keep your code, result and writting together!

Why you should use Quarto?

As a (data) scientist/researcher, you should save time when you need to publish. Quarto allows you to put your code, its output and your writting in a single file that can be exported in many format.

  • Language agnostic (R, Python, Julia and JavaScript)

  • Highly portable (Rstudio, VS Code, Jupyter, Neovim, etc.)

  • Versatile formats (articles, presentation, website, books, etc.)

  • Good defaults and highly customizable (template for journals)

Quarto vs RMarkdown

  • Better interface in general (visual mode improved)

  • Better format handling!

  • Code completion in YAML and markdown

  • Easier to learn (everything builtin and feature cross format)

  • Rmarkdown are easily convertible (also your knowledge)

  • Quarto will continue to grow, Rmarkdown won’t!

As a RMarkdown user, it is easy to start Quarto (they are mostly the same!)

Your first notebook

Now let’s add the results of our analysis to a notebook!

graph LR;
  a[1_cleaning.R] --> b[2_tables.R] & c[3_figures.R] & d[4_models.R]
  b & c & d --> e[report.qmd]
  e --> f[articles] & g[presentation] & h[website] & i[book]

Getting started and visual mode

(5) Questions & freestyle

You can:

  • Discuss/ask questions

  • Try the whole workflow with your own projects

  • Leave

I can:

  • Show you optimization with functions (Do not repeat yourself)

  • Go in depth we some ressources or subjects